Stockholm Syndrome Christianity

Kerby Andersonnever miss viewpoints

John West (Discovery Institute) was on my radio program recently to talk about his book, Stockholm Syndrome Christianity. To understand his conclusions, you need to remember what Stockholm Syndrome means.

The phrase comes from a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden that took place in 1973. An escaped convict and his accomplice took four bank employees hostage, who began to bond with the criminals and started to view the police and the government as enemies.

John West asks a powerful question: What if American culture isn’t collapsing because of crusading secularists? What if it’s failing because many leading Christians identify more with secular elites than with their fellow believers?

His book catalogs many examples. One chapter describes how Stockholm Syndrome Christians have infected the pastorate of churches leading to a dismissive view of the Bible. He quotes a pastor who wants to discard the Old Testament. He quotes others who are deconstructing God’s Word.

He details how Stockholm Syndrome Christians promote a diminished role for God in creation. He discusses the rise of scientific materialism. And he talks about Christians who seem to be evangelizing for Charles Darwin’s evolution.

As you might imagine, he also describes how Stockholm Syndrome Christians damaged our understanding of sex and gender. This has led to a redefining of marriage and abandoning biblical standards.

He concludes with a call to wisdom, a call to action, and the call to faithfulness. He also includes a website ( with an online assessment that will help you diagnose you, your church, and others. He also provides discussion questions and a curated list of resources.

If you want to diagnose Stockholm Syndrome Christianity and provide a remedy, this is a book and website you will need.viewpoints new web version

This post originally appeared at

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