Strong America

Kerby Andersonnever miss viewpoints

Tech CEO Chamath Palihapitiya on a recent interview reminded us why the world needs a strong America and what it takes to have a strong America. He began by saying that it was important for “Americans to take a step back and acknowledge this one truth. We are the single most important country in existence in the world.”

He went on to argue that “there are two things that underpin that. We are the single most vibrant economy in the world, and we are the single strongest military in the world. If you can agree to those two things, which I think should be non-controversial,” then we will be the strongest country in the world.

He believes those two key elements are why America is the most important country. It doesn’t matter if we make the best oranges or burritos or make the best shoes. Those products don’t equate to being the most powerful country.

America has “the strongest and most vibrant economy and the strongest and most powerful military.” He then argues that “there is only one thing that gives you both of those two things, which is technological supremacy.”

Next comes his concern. He believes “we are in an existential risk of losing our place in the world.” The reason, he believes is simple. We have had “people from the inside trying to sabotage our economy effectively and trying to sabotage our military capability.” And he adds that we have had too many in leadership who don’t know what they’re doing.

I would add that the last election was about this, at least in part. But much more reform needs to take place. We need people with economic judgment and military judgment.

Earlier this week, my commentaries have touched on the problem with DEI. We need to return to a meritocracy, and we need to put the right people in the right positions to have a strong America.viewpoints new web version

This post originally appeared at

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