Kerby Anderson
Propaganda Wars is the newest book by Glenn Beck. His opening chapter has a “Welcome to Clown World” section that will cause most readers to shake their heads and roll their eyes. His chapter on “The Propaganda Industrial Complex” is a warning for all of us to use discernment when using media. His later chapters address the problem of deepfakes and various other forms of deception.
One chapter that will be helpful to you is how to discover and uncover truth. He is often asked: how do I know who to trust? He provides seven simple tests that I will discuss today and tomorrow.
The first test he calls the “liar-liar test.” Put simply, if the media lied to you before, you should evaluate them with a higher level of scrutiny going forward. One example occurred in 2020 when multiple media outlets and 51 current and former government officials knowingly lied about the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop.
The second test he calls the “what is a woman test.” When an expert says something that is obviously wrong on an issue, you shouldn’t trust him or her on other topics. Reasonable people can disagree on many topics, but you don’t need to trust an expert without basic common sense.
He calls the third test the “egg-throwing gorilla test” which is a reference to clown world. When Larry Elder (who is black) ran for California Governor in 2021, he was attacked as being racist. One L.A. Times reporter claimed Elder had white supremacist worldview. A woman even went to one of Elder’s rallies wearing a gorilla mask and threw eggs at him.
As I often say on radio, look for trustworthy sources and view with great skepticism media that doesn’t have a good track record of honest reporting and commentary.
This post originally appeared at