Doing Nothing
What could be a worse use of time than doing nothing? The answer? Doing something that is really nothing. The person who is doing nothing generally realizes they are doing …
Doing Nothing Read MoreChristian Information Radio. TV. Online.
What could be a worse use of time than doing nothing? The answer? Doing something that is really nothing. The person who is doing nothing generally realizes they are doing …
Doing Nothing Read MoreFrom time to time we all find ourselves in situations we wish we could escape because they are a waste our time. Perhaps its a social function or a committee …
Excuse Yourself Read MoreThe Library of Congress in Washington DC subscribes to 70,000 newspapers and magazines. That’s a lot of periodicals. And I’m sure they have a good reason for those subscriptions since …
Magazine Subscriptions Read MoreHow often have you had a project turn out wrong and said, “Oh I knew that wouldn’t work!”? Well, if you knew it wouldn’t work, why did you do it? …
Things That Don’t Work -3 Read MoreDon Aslett, in his book, How to Handle 1,000 Things at Once, gives the following humorous but true list of things that don’t work: Exchanging rent for help around the …
Things That Don’t Work -2 Read MoreIt’s amazing how often we continue doing things that don’t work. Professional organizer Don Aslett has compiled a list of things that don’t work. They include: Telling yourself you’ll remember …
Things That Don’t Work Read MoreA robber entered a Bank of America in San Francisco and wrote a stick-up note on a deposit slip. But, fearing someone may have seen him write the note, he …
Drive Thru Bank Robber Read MoreOne of the dangers of doing a project that really shouldn’t be done is that once started, projects tend to take on a life of their own. Someone observed that …
Oughtness Read MoreWould you like to get more done in less time? Of course you would. If you’re like me you’re always looking for ways to get greater results from the work …
Praying for Help Read MoreOn August 20, 1911 a penniless house painter hid in an obscure room at the Louvre art museum in Paris. The next morning when the museum was closed he slipped …
Mona Lisa Easily Stolen Read MoreThe Gospel of Mark gives us our most compact look at the life of Jesus. In 16 chapters we are given a fast-paced summary of the key events in our …
Mark’s Gospel on Time Read MoreWhat are your key result areas? In other words, what are the things that, if you do them well, can bring exceptional results? This is a key concept to understand …
Key Result Areas Read MoreHave you ever noticed that whenever someone is in front of you in the “10 items or less” checkout line at the grocery store, and they have 20 items, they …
Wasting Other People’s Time Read MoreSeveral years a so-called “human fly” attempted to scale the side of a Los Angeles skyscraper. As onlookers gathered, he slowly made his way to the top, grabbing onto ledges …
“Human Fly” Tragedy Read MoreI recently came across a news article that quoted US Government statistics showing average per capita spending on artificial hair is 9 cents. When I saw that, my first thought …
Government Functions Read MoreChild training experts Michael & Debbie Pearl wrote the following poem called channel 23: The TV is my shepherd, I shall not want anything else. It maketh me to lie …
The TV is My Shepherd Read MoreA student helicopter pilot took his first solo flight. All was going well until he reached 2000 feet when suddenly he took a dive and crashed. As the instructor pulled …
Teaching Children to Converse Read MoreHave you ever seen a counterfeit $20 bill that was pink and had Mickey Mouse’s picture on it? Of course not. Counterfeiters want to make their product look as much …
Micky Mouse Counterfeit Read MoreA 21 year old man walked up to two police officers in a squad car who were showing their felon-identification computer to children in a Detroit neighborhood. When he asked …
Curious Felon Read MoreTwo men were walking down the street when one of them said, “Look. There’s a dead bird.” The other one looked up in the sky and said, “Where, I don’t …
Dead Birds Don’t Fly Read More