Our Victorious God


Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

How many times in the history of America has God shown up and been faithful? Let’s remember the freezing and starving men that George Washington led from New York, with the large British army at their heels. Both sides thought the Revolution would die with these men. But on Christmas night, Washington led his men across the Delaware River to a surprise attack on Trenton. It took the little ragged army until 3 am to get into position, and they fought through the early morning. After seventeen hours of travel and fighting, Washington was weary. He bowed his head, asking God to deliver them. Until that hour, it looked like all hope was lost, but during his prayer, the messenger relayed that the enemy had surrendered. It is recorded that Washington “raised his eyes, with gleaming thankfulness to Heaven.” He gave God the glory for that victory. So let’s not lose heart. Let’s be a part of the change our nation needs and share the Gospel! Visit www.sharelife.today.

This post originally appeared at https://sharelifetoday.podbean.com/e/our-victorious-god/

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