Two Changed Lives

Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

“What impact could I possibly make?” Have you ever felt that way before? Well, Isabella certainly did. But she stepped outside her comfort zone and attended an evangelism discipleship training in Arizona. She went out into the community with a team and spoke to a man named Chris. They asked him two great questions: if he knew for sure he’d go to Heaven one day, and if he stood before God and God asked why He should let Chris into Heaven, what would he say? Well, Chris’s answer was like so many others – he was trusting in his own good works to get him into Heaven, and he hoped it would be enough. Isabella was able to share that our works will never be enough, but placing our faith in Jesus alone to save us is all we need. I’m happy to tell you that Chris put his faith in Jesus that day! And it didn’t only change his life, it changed Isabella’s as well. Get started in sharing your faith by visiting our website at

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