Holy Spirit Nudge


Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

Have you ever felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to witness to someone?  In Acts chapter 8, the Lord tells Philip to go and talk to someone. Philip went where he was told and found a man reading Scripture. He asked the man if he understood it, and he didn’t. Do you think that Phillip was nervous at this point? Sure he was! But he stepped out in faith and made himself available to the man. Turns out, his simple question—”Do you understand?”—was just the right thing to say to start a Gospel conversation. Phillip’s obedience gave this man an opportunity to accept Jesus, and he did! In fact, he immediately asked to be baptized. He wanted to proclaim his new faith! So, the next time you feel a need to go speak to someone, but aren’t sure what to say, remember Phillip. Remember that God will not lead you to someone and leave you hanging. He will provide the words to speak if you will be obedient. Visit www.sharelife.today.

This post originally appeared at https://sharelifetoday.podbean.com/e/holy-spirit-nudge-1697558683/

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