Children Changing Their Community

Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

Torosso is a humble village with a large population of children in Africa. The “little g” god of that village is named “kilè.” The pastor who’s the head of all of the churches in this area said, “People are looking for the good God, but they don’t know how or where [to find Him]. So they are living in spiritual darkness from generation to generation.” However, something big has happened! In the past year, the church has grown to over two hundred children. They have started to understand that “kilè” is not the good or true god, so most of them have joined the church to find our more about Jesus. And at these new churches, the Gospel is not only being shared with them, but they’re being discipled in it. This will impact these children’s lives for eternity, and the pastor believes these children will change their village to the glory of God. To learn more about how you can share your faith, visit our website at

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