Are You A Patriot?

Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

It’s been said that the most patriotic thing that we can do is win our neighbor to Christ. First Corinthians 3:17 says, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” And today, we celebrate the Fourth of July in the United States. We understand that freedom is the birthright of every American. But this Bible verse talks about another freedom, freedom that only God can give, freedom from the chains of sin through Jesus Christ. Jesus was crucified on a cross to pay for this freedom. And the ideal way we can honor that is to be witnesses for Jesus. As you prepare to celebrate the Birthday of our nation, think of the legacy we are leaving future generations. Whether we leave them a Godly heritage where religious liberty is celebrated and embraced is largely up to us. So, share the Gospel of Jesus with someone today. Need help getting started? Well, visit our website That’s

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