What Nations Will Be Totally Destroyed?

Welcome to Prophecy Q & A with Jimmy DeYoung!

There are two groups of people who will be destroyed forever. The Edomites will be one of them. They are the descendants of Esau, the Palestinian people of today and will be wiped out as if they had never been. Jeremiah 49:18 says that they will be as Sodom and Gomorrah. In Obadiah, when Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian Empire leader, came into Jerusalem and wanted to burn the Temple down, all the enemies of Israel arrived, and Nebuchadnezzar said, “Who wants to burn the Temple down?” Everyone raised their hand, but there was a casting of the lot, and the lot fell on the Edomites. They burned the Temple down. Because you can’t mess with God’s Temple, they will be destroyed.

This same principle is applied to the Babylonians. The Babylonians are modern-day Iraq. Isaiah 14, Jeremiah 50 and 51, Revelation 18:10, 17, 19. In Revelation, it says that they will be destroyed in one hour. In Jeremiah, it says that they will be as Sodom and Gomorrah, as if they had never been. They will be destroyed because they messed with God’s Temple.

You cannot mess with the temple of God without possible punishment coming to you. This is the case for the Babylonians, modern-day Iraq, and the Edomites, modern-day Palestinians.

Jimmy DeYoung was a prophecy teacher and journalist who travelled the country and the world educating the Body of Christ of the future events foretold in God’s prophetic Word. His goal was to equip Christians with the knowledge and understanding of what God’s Word says will happen someday soon, so that they can make better decisions today. Dr. DeYoung went home to be with his Savior on August 15, 2021.

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