JD: Let’s go back to Genesis. We often say that the seeds of all theology can be found in Genesis. So from a prospective of the Bible are there a couple of passages in Genesis that you would go to when you would like to point to Jesus Christ being the Jewish Messiah?
DJ: Absolutely, I would say that the very first one goes back to the first prophecy of the Messiah in the word of God and that’s Genesis 3:15 where God speaking to the serpent who had deceived the woman who in turned deceived Adam in which led to the fall of them. God says to the serpent I will put enmity between you and the woman and in between your seed and her seed, he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel. From the book of Revelation that this serpent of all is actually the devil himself. So if you look at the offspring of the woman being the one who actually defeats Satan there is no one that can defeat Satan but God and the offspring of the woman therefore must be ultimately the Lord Jesus Christ who we find in the scriptures later that this offspring is God himself.