September 6: Church Unity thru prayer!

Daniel W. Whittle
Daniel W. Whittle

Daniel Whittle shares another account from the 1857 Prayer Meeting Revival:

“It is with heartfelt gratitude to God that I write you of answer to your prayer. Last Spring, I asked your prayers in behalf of our church. It was almost destroyed by a man trying to get into our Conference without proper papers, and could not. He then broke up a Presbyterian church, and formed another. He gathered a number of our members with him, and tried hard to take our parsonage, but did not succeed. Thank God! though we are few, and have had a hard struggle, we still hold our property, our circuit has doubled, God is reviving His work, and is now answering your prayers”

That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.

1 Corinthians 12:25

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