Faith First in the White House Again

One exciting aspect of the new Trump Administration is a very public return to Christianity in the halls of federal power. To be sure, past presidents and administrations have given lip service to our founding faith, but with Trump 47, America is witnessing a great renewal of Christianity in the public square. It’s driven not only through the personal faith of West Wing office holders and staff and members of the cabinet, but also by executive orders and actions. 

At the national Prayer Breakfast, a long-standing event since 1953, President Trump took the occasion to go beyond the standard time of prayer and discussion about faith and governance. Trump declared in his speech: “let’s bring religion back.  Let’s bring God back into our lives.”

For starters, Trump rebranded the Bush-era “White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives” as the “White House Office of Faith,” complete with new leadership. But more importantly, Trump signed an executive order titled “Eradicating Anti-Christian Bias.” To be sure, the radical woke agenda tearing through corporations and institutions is totally humanist and secular at its core — religion of almost any kind is its enemy.  But when one considers specifically the lawfare against pro-life activists and the branding of traditional Catholics as potential “domestic terrorists,” it becomes clear that Christianity specifically has been put in the crosshairs. 

Trump’s new executive order, among other things, establishes a 2-year task force within the Department of Justice to accomplish this bias eradication. It names the U.S. Attorney General as the Chair and consists of several other members including just about every cabinet secretary. Their task is to review the activities of all executive departments and identify unlawful anti-Christian policies. I can only imagine that will result in a field day of findings. 

Actions and policies like this task force combined with strong Christian leaders across President Trump’s cabinet, give us great hope in the reality of not only eliminating anti-Christian bias, but putting Christianity directly back into the public square.

This post originally appeared at

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