RFK Jr. Should Head Up a Truth Commission

Photo: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Donald Trump (53952973703); Author: Gage Skidmore; Lic.: CC BY-SA 2.0

When South Africa wanted to move past the atrocities of its immediate past government, it set up a Truth Commission. The full name of this South African commission was the Commission of Truth and Reconciliation.

America should learn from South Africa. Our country needs a Truth Commission to dig into how our own government acted against us and violated our Constitution.

Robert F Kennedy Jr. should chair the Truth Commission. He should hold hearings all across America and take testimony. And it should all be broadcast live to the entire country.

From the COVID abuses to CIA coverups to election corruption, he should shine a bright on all of it. He can then recommend accountability measures, and clemency, and give us trust again.

RFK Jr. is a credible critic of the deep state, the intelligence agencies, and the corruption in the medical industry. He is also an American patriot who truly loves his country. He lost his dad, Bobby Kennedy, and uncle, President Kennedy, to violence. He has spoken out against COVID abuses and faced off against St. Fauci when most were too scared to challenge the CDC’s religious dogma. He doesn’t need money or fame. He has both already. He wants to help. He’s too much of a liberal to be given his cabinet position, but that doesn’t mean he’s of no use in a conservative administration.

If Donald Trump assumes the Presidency in January, he would be wise to create this new position for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He should make RFK Jr. the Chairman of the Truth Commission. Robert F. Kennedy Junior should dig deep into the pharmaceutical companies and the intelligence agencies and expose the lies that have been sold to the American people.

RFK Jr. Should Chair a Truth Commission for America

This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/liberalism-and-conservatism/big-government/rfk-jr-should-head-up-a-truth-commission/

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