Fake Numbers in the Biden-Harris Economy

The summer revelation that the U.S. economy created 818,000 fewer jobs than initially reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is not just a statistical oversight; it’s a damning indictment of the Biden-Harris administration’s economic mismanagement. This 30 percent overstatement of job creation from April 2023 to March 2024 is the largest downward revision since the global financial crisis, and it should alarm every American who values transparency and accountability in government.

When the BLS revises its numbers, it’s not just a clerical error. This exposes the narrative machine of the regime. For months, the narrative machine has told us that the economy is booming, that jobs are plentiful, and that prosperity is just around the corner. They were lying. Under the Biden-Harris economy, the employment gains were exaggerated, particularly in critical sectors like professional and business services, manufacturing, and trade. As The Epoch Times states, “The labor market may not be as strong as portrayed earlier”. Lying about the state of the economy obscures important market signals, and it amplifies the likelihood of a recession.

We should grow in our distrust of government-reported data. When federal agencies like the BLS obscure the real state of things, they undermine the important role of the free flow of information in a free market. Investors, businesses, and consumers make decisions based on these reports. When they’re wrong, the consequences ripple through and disrupt the entire economy.

This is emblematic of the ongoing failure of the Biden-Harris administration’s economic policies. The so-called recovery has been nothing more than smoke and mirrors, propped up by misleading statistics, hollow promises, and employment for illegals. We must prioritize transparency, accountability, and real job creation—not the illusion of progress.

This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/liberalism-and-conservatism/fake-numbers-in-the-biden-harris-economy/

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