Progressives Abandon Demographic Decline

The progressive movement’s detachment from the issue of demographic decline is not just shortsighted; it’s a grave miscalculation that could have dire consequences for the future. Many on the left celebrate falling birthrates as a triumph for women’s rights and environmental sustainability. But, they fail to grasp the long-term implications of a shrinking and aging population.

The reality is stark: nations with declining populations are not transforming into utopian societies of well-being and sustainability. Instead, they are becoming regions of decay, economic stagnation, and social despair. Examples abound in places like Detroit and rural Japan, where depopulation has led to the collapse of local economies and the degradation of communities. These are not isolated incidents but rather a glimpse into the future that awaits much of the world if current trends continue.

The assumption that population decline will naturally stabilize is wishful thinking. Fertility rates have not just dipped below replacement levels; they are in free fall, with no signs of leveling off. Countries like Germany, Japan, and even the United States are experiencing demographic crises that are eroding their economic and social foundations.

Progressives, who pride themselves on championing human rights and social progress, are abandoning the future by ignoring this issue. The very idea of progress—technological innovation, scientific advancement, and social development—depends on a vibrant, growing population. Without people, there can be no progress. Peter Thiel said in August that if current global birthrates continue, humanity will shrink to extinction in the next 1000 years.

It’s time for the left to wake up and focus on the future. The left needs to abandon anti-natalism and embrace pro-natalism. They need to recognize that ensuring a thriving human population is not just a conservative concern, but a universal one. The stakes are too high to remain complacent.

This post originally appeared at

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