Real Election Misinfo Comes From the Narrative Machine

Logan Washburn, writing in The Federalist, exposed the Election Reformers Network (ERN) for its new initiative that favors Democratic priorities under the guise of neutrality. The ERN, in collaboration with the Bridge Alliance, has launched the Election Overtime Project aimed at coaching political journalists on election coverage. Particularly, they focused on close and contested elections in battleground states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Despite claiming to be non-partisan, ERN’s policy preferences align closely with leftist agendas, including the abolition of the electoral college and stripping discretionary powers from election certification boards. As Washburn highlights, “ERN is on board with the left’s attempt to make election boards’ responsibilities ‘purely ministerial,’” thereby limiting the ability of officials to verify the accuracy of election results.

The project promises to provide journalists with “in-depth information” on recounts, audits, and election challenges, aiming to prepare them for so-called “election overtime” scenarios. ERN Executive Director Kevin Johnson asserts that the project will help journalists manage the flow of information and tackle misinformation. However, Johnson did not disclose which journalists or media outlets were involved, raising concerns about transparency and bias.

Washburn points out the ERN’s questionable impartiality, noting its history of labeling election integrity advocates as “election deniers” and its cooperation with left-leaning organizations like the Campaign Legal Center. Additionally, ERN’s senior adviser, Amber McReynolds, and Director Johnson’s affiliation with progressive groups underscore the network’s ideological leanings.

Funding sources further cast doubt on ERN’s neutrality. The group received significant funding from Sam Bankman-Fried, a convicted fraudster, which it later attempted to obscure. This, along with its partnership with the left-wing Bridge Alliance, which promotes DEI initiatives, underscores the group’s alignment with Democratic interests.

The ERN, despite its professed neutrality, is deeply intertwined with leftist agendas. This is the narrative machine at work, guiding how the public perceives elections.

This post originally appeared at

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