Texas Voters Want Security

Texas voters are recognizing the illegal immigration issue for what it is: a crisis of existential proportions. They are showing it in the ballot box by abiding by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s endorsements. 

Paxton’s endorsements resulted in stunning landslide victories for two challengers to incumbents on the top criminal court in Texas, which had rebuffed Paxton’s efforts to protect election integrity. A third judicial challenger endorsed by Paxton for that court also won, as did eight challengers to House incumbents; another nine challengers endorsed by Paxton forced the incumbents into the runoff election earlier this month. 

The grassroots movement for Texas independence also did well in this primary. Shelley Luther, the Dallas hairdresser who went to jail in 2020 for merely opening her salon during the Covid lockdown, was one of many who prevailed in the legislative primary after embracing a vote on “Texit,” a play on the term “Brexit” by which Britain exited from the European Union. 

Continued refusal by the Supreme Court to allow Texas to defend itself against upwards of 10 million illegal aliens – more than a third of the lawful Texas population – puts Texans in a tight spot as they feel unsafe merely going to a grocery store. As Biden continues to deny Texans their right to protect themselves against the illegal invasion, it is predictable that many Texans will embrace the independence movement as what seems to be the only viable option. 

Our entire country would benefit if Texas were allowed to close its border with Mexico and take all appropriate steps to end illegality by migrants who have already poured by the millions into the Lone Star State. Border security is a critical issue for the state of Texas and our entire country. If there is no border security, there is no nation. 

This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/national-sovereignty/america-first/texas-voters-want-security/

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