October 15 – Not Afraid for Even His Own Life

Jeremiah 26:1-27:22
2 Thessalonians 3:1-18
Psalm 85:1-13
Proverbs 25:16

Jeremiah 26:1 — Have you noticed that Jeremiah’s writings are not in chronological order? Earlier we read that God would not turn even if Samuel prayed, but now He offers to hearken (Jeremiah 26:3). From J. Carl Laney:

According to Murphy, the individual units of Jeremiah were originally addressed to the people to whom Jeremiah ministered at different stages throughout his ministry. The final form of the work, compiled after Jehoiachin’s release in 561 B.C., was a message to the exiles in Babylon providing encouragement and hope through promises of restoration. Since the judgments which Jeremiah announced had been fulfilled, the exiles in Babylon could be confident that the restoration would also come about.

Murphy believes that Jeremiah has been carefully constructed to a recurring theological message of judgment and hope for God’s exiled people (p. 315). Because they have broken the Mosaic Covenant, they experienced judgment (Lev. 26, Deut. 28). But because of God’s unconditional promise to Abraham (Gen. 12:2-3), God would deliver His people from exile and rebuild them as a nation. So Jeremiah repeatedly presents Yahweh’s judgment and promised hope, destruction and restoration, and cursing and blessing.

The entry and exit points of the anthology, according to Murphy, are chapters 1 and 52. These chapters serve as “bookends” to hold the work together as an anthology. Chapter one verse 10 sets forth the agenda of the book. Here we see “in seed form” the themes of judgment and restoration which make up the rest of the book. The final chapter (52) highlights these same themes by recounting two incidents. Chapter 52 tells of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, emphasizing the theme of judgment. But the book concludes with a message of hope. Jehoiachin is released from prison, anticipating the future restoration and return of the people of Judah.

Jeremiah 26:14 — How could Jeremiah be so cavalier about his own life? Because he had accomplished what the LORD sent him to do (Jeremiah 26:12).

Jeremiah 26:18 — Who is this Micah the Morasthite? When we turn to Micah 1:1, we realize that this was the same prophet!

  • Jeremiah 26:18 recognizes the prophecy of Micah
  • Daniel 9:2 recognizes the prophecy of Jeremiah
  • Ezekiel 14:14, Ezekiel 14:20, and Ezekiel 28:3 recognize Daniel
  • 2 Peter 3:15-16 identify Paul’s writings as Scripture

We find several times in Scripture a reference to other people in Scripture. It’s not just an anthology of religious sayings, but the Word of God pointing towards His Son, Jesus Christ.

Jeremiah 26:23 — Religious persecution was evident in the “theocracy” of Judah with the death of Urijah. It also was evident in the Puritan colony of Massachusetts with Obadiah Holmes:

Obadiah Holmes (1610 – 15 October 1682) was an early Rhode Island settler, and a Baptist minister who was whipped in the Massachusetts Bay Colony for his religious beliefs and activism.

In 1650 he and others were taken to court for their religious views and practices, and compelled to leave the colony. He settled in Newport in the Rhode Island colony and soon befriended John Clarke and John Crandall. In July 1651 these three men, while visiting an elderly friend in Lynn, Massachusetts, were apprehended, tried, and given exorbitant fines for their religious practices. Friends paid the fines for Clarke and Crandall, but when Holmes learned of this he refused to allow them to pay his fine. Six weeks after trial he was taken to the whipping post in Boston and given 30 strokes, which were laid on so harshly that for weeks afterward Holmes could only sleep while on his knees and elbows.

Jeremiah 27:3 — A very unpatriotic message to send to Israel’s would-be allies, even though it was a message of hope (Jeremiah 27:13).

2 Thessalonians 3:1 — Pray for missionaries and evangelists that the Word of the LORD would have free course!

2 Thessalonians 3:6 — We are commanded to separate from disorderly brethren. What are their characteristics? False doctrine (2 Thessalonians 3:6), “too busy to work” (2 Thessalonians 3:11), and disobedient to Scripture (2 Thessalonians 3:14).

Psalm 85:6 — ”Revive us again!”

Proverbs 25:16 — Yes, you can have too much of a good thing!

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