September 4 – The Poor Wise Man

Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18
2 Corinthians 7:8-16
Psalm 48:1-14
Proverbs 22:17-19

Ecclesiastes 7:15 — You can almost hear Job saying these words!

Ecclesiastes 7:20 — This theme echoes throughout the Bible:

  • Genesis 6:11 – the earth also was corrupt before God
  • 1 Kings 8:46 – there is no man that sinneth not
  • Psalm 14:1 – there is none that doeth good
  • Psalm 14:3 – there is none that doeth good, no, not one
  • Psalm 53:1 – there is none that doeth good
  • Psalm 53:3 – there is none that doeth good, no, not one
  • Psalm 143:2 – in thy sight shall no man living be justified
  • Romans 3:9 – both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin
  • Romans 3:10 – there is none righteous, no not one
  • Romans 3:23 – all have sinned and come short of the glory of God
  • Galatians 3:22 – but the scripture hath concluded all under sin

Ecclesiastes 7:21 — Solomon is considering the words of his father in 2 Samuel 16:10.

Ecclesiastes 7:26 — Solomon has an extended discussion of this woman in Proverbs 7 (especially Proverbs 7:10-12).

Ecclesiastes 8:12 — In the midst of his depressed rant, he utters the truth of Job’s tale. It’s better to suffer for doing right than be rewarded for doing wrong.

Ecclesiastes 9:5 — Do the dead still exist? The Jehovah’s Witnesses say, “Therefore, when we die, we cease to exist. The dead can’t think, act, or feel anything.” The technical term for this is “annihilationism.” But what does the rest of Scripture say about the dead? discusses several problems including:

… Ecclesiastes 9:5 cannot contradict Ecclesiastes 4:2. There, Solomon states that the dead are “happier than the living.” However, when a person is dead, the opportunities to enjoy things on earth no longer exist. discusses the passage as well:

Solomon, being a worldly person at this point in time, is speaking from his worldview which was limited to that of the present moment of his existence. This is opposed to a Christian outlook concerning life and death that gives one a proper perspective on how to understand the passage.

Secondly, Solomon is not talking about the afterlife or an annihilation but is speaking about the physical corpses of those who have died and are “in the grave” (see Eccl. 9:10). Thus, contextually speaking, Dr. Norman Geisler remarks,

“The passages that say there is no knowledge or remembrance after death, are speaking of no memory in this world, not of no memory of this world.” — When Critics Ask, p.259 compares Solomon’s phrasing to the phrasing Potiphar used in Genesis:

We read in verse 6 that “he left all that he had in Joseph’s hand”. Potiphar entrusted everything that he had to Joseph because whatever Joseph did, the LORD blessed it. Then we read about Potiphar, “he knew not ought he had, save the bread which he did eat”. Does this mean that Potiphar did not know anything about what he had except for the bread that he ate? … Rather, the phrase “he knew not ought he had” means that Potiphar did not pay any attention to what he had, except that which he did eat. Joseph was doing such a good job in managing Potiphar’s possessions that Potiphar did not need to pay any attention to them.

John 5:9 identifies the dangers of those who die in sins and then await the resurrection of damnation.

Ecclesiastes 9:9 — I am enjoying doing this with the wife that the LORD has given me!

Ecclesiastes 9:10 — Work for the night is coming!

Ecclesiastes 9:12 — “For man also knoweth not his time …” Don’t put off until tomorrow talking to the person God has laid on your heart.

Ecclesiastes 9:15 — The poor wise man – necessary, successful, unrewarded. Many have preached on this over the years. John Gill identifies this man with Christ:

Christ, who is man, though not a mere man, but God as well as man; who was so in purpose, covenant, and promise, before his incarnation, since truly and really so; and “poor”, as it was foretold he should be, and who became so for the sake of his church and people, (Zechariah 9:9, 2 Corinthians 8:9) ; yet “wise”, even as man, being filled with wisdom, in which he increased, and gave such evident proofs of; on whom the spirit of wisdom rested, and in whom the treasures of it were hid, (Luke 2:40, Luke 2:46, Luke 2:47, Luke 2:52, Isaiah 11:2, Colossians 2:3); he was found here by God his Father, who exalted one chosen out of the people, and made him Head over the church, who is the firstborn among many brethren, (Psalms 89:19, Psalms 89:20); Or “and”, or “but he found in it”; that is, Satan, the great king, found him here, contrary to his expectation, and to his great regret.

2 Corinthians 7:10 — There is “sorry I got caught,” and then there is godly sorrow that leads to repentance which ultimately leads to salvation!

Psalm 48:1-2, 11-12, 14 — Sing along since the Psalms were meant to be sung!

Proverbs 22:17 — Another double dose of Solomon. Wisdom is trusting in the LORD!

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