July 31 – Hezekiah’s Good Start

2 Chronicles 29:1-36
Romans 14:1-23
Psalm 24:1-10
Proverbs 20:12

2 Chronicles 29:3 — A good way to start on the very first month of his reign:

  • Repairing the LORD’s house (2 Chronicles 29:3)
  • Recalling the Levite’s responsibility (2 Chronicles 29:5)
  • Repenting for fathers’ sins (2 Chronicles 29:6)
  • Recognizing God’s wrath (2 Chronicles 29:9)
  • Restoring Israel’s covenant (2 Chronicles 29:10)
  • Rallying the city’s rulers (2 Chronicles 29:20)
  • Rendering the lambs’ blood (2 Chronicles 29:22)
  • Rejoicing in Asaph’s songs (2 Chronicles 29:30)
  • Receiving the people’s offerings (2 Chronicles 29:31)

Romans 14:3 — Paul is repealing virtually all of Kashrut (the Jewish dietary laws). Interesting that the prohibitions against eating blood are still maintained (Acts 15:29). He goes on to repeal the festivals and Sabbath (Romans 14:5). Notice that Paul did not reiterate the 4th Commandment in Romans 13:9.

Romans 14:10 — The Judgment Seat of Christ is introduced for the first time here. Erwin Lutzer is “amazed at the number of people who don’t realize that the Bible teaches that we shall all (Christians) stand before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ to give an account.” John MacArthur shows it will be an evaluation of our lives. John Piper reminds us, “Salvation is owned by faith. Salvation is shown by deeds.” Hampton Keathley has an in-depth discussion of the doctrine of rewards. Adrian Rogers points out:

First, God will be judging both the saved and the sinners.
Next, God judges the saved as sons and daughters.
Then God judges the saved as servants.

Psalm 24:7 — The Prussian hymnwriter Georg Weissel draws from this verse when he composed the hymn, “Lift up your heads, O ye gates.

Proverbs 20:12 — From the Pulpit Commentary:

This apothegm, which seems to be nothing but a trite truism, brings to notice many important consequences. First, there is the result noted in Psalm 94:9, “He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not see?” Hence we learn the sleepless providence of God.

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