July 25 – The God of Rest

2 Chronicles 14:1-16:14
Romans 9:1-24
Psalm 19:1-14
Proverbs 20:1

2 Chronicles 14:2 — Did you notice something yesterday? The Chronicler never said whether Abijah did that which was good and right. He mentions a good incident, but then he omits whether Abijah did what was good and right (1 Kings 15:3-7a). Asa, on the other hand, lived up to his great-great-grandfather David’s love for God; the Scripture says that Asa sought the LORD (2 Chronicles 14:4).

2 Chronicles 14:6 — Are you agitated? Let God give you rest:

  • God started rest (Genesis 2:2)
  • God sanctified rest (Genesis 2:3)
  • God is said to rest (Exodus 16:23)
  • God scheduled rest (Exodus 23:11)
  • God signed by rest (Exodus 31:17)
  • God soothes with rest (Exodus 33:14)
  • God’s Sabbath is rest (Exodus 35:2)
  • God’s statute is rest (Leviticus 16:31)

Interestingly, this is the same phrase used in Joshua and Judges.

2 Chronicles 14:9 — Being outnumbered 2:1 is bad. A million-man army came against Israel, and Asa called upon the name of the LORD (2 Chronicles 14:10); the LORD answered (2 Chronicles 14:12)!

2 Chronicles 15:9 — A godly government attracted immigrants to the blessing of the LORD. There were conditions for these immigrants, however; some contained capital consequences if violated (2 Chronicles 15:13).

2 Chronicles 16:2 — What happened? Asa wasn’t scared by a million-man army, but now he’s scared of Baasha of the North! Hanani made this same observation (2 Chronicles 16:8). But unlike David’s response to Nathan (2 Samuel 12), Asa was angry (2 Chronicles 16:10), and from that point until the end of his life, he turned his back on the LORD (2 Chronicles 16:12). Interestingly, FiveThirtyEight.com has written an article on how Supreme Court justices go liberal with age; they surmise that it’s because of peer pressure, reputations, ideological drift, and other reasons.

2 Chronicles 16:9 — Here’s a song to help you hide this word in your heart!

Romans 9:3 — Accursed for my brethren. That is “agape” love! No room for antisemitism; the Messiah’s own flesh was of the seed of Abraham (Romans 9:5).

Romans 9:14 — Throughout our reading of the Bible this year, the contrast that this question raises has been stark. Are we more moral than God? Or do we need to adjust our definition of fairness to His?

Romans 9:22 – Ah, the controversial verse about election! John Piper weighs in, as does John MacArthur and non-Calvinists. Positions on double predestination affect the question – who fitted the vessels?

Psalm 19:1 — And back to Patch the Pirate for this song based on Psalm 19:1:

Psalm 19:7 — Interesting how we go from general revelation (the Creation by God) to specific revelation (the Law of God) so abruptly! Both warn the servant (Psalm 19:11). As Paul says, “thou art inexcusable” (Romans 2:1)!

Proverbs 20:1 — One of the most unpopular verses in the Bible. Alcohol has deceived tens of millions. Seek wisdom!

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