July 24 – What Were the Motives for the Piety of the Judean Kings?

2 Chronicles 11:1-13:22
Romans 8:26-39
Psalm 18:37-50
Proverbs 19:27-29

2 Chronicles 11:1 — Do you think Rehoboam was more bothered by their personal rejection of him or of the Lord’s desire for His people to dwell in unity (Psalm 133:1)?

2 Chronicles 11:9 — Chronologically, this is the first reference to Lachish as an Israelite city. We’ll hear more about Lachish when Hezekiah is fighting Sennacherib!

2 Chronicles 11:16 — This detail is left out of the records in 1 & 2 Kings. We read in 1 Kings 13 about the man of God who challenged Jeroboam’s false worship, but we don’t read about the many truly devout that followed the LORD God. Loyalty to the LORD must be stronger than family or tribal ties … but it lasted only three years.

2 Chronicles 12:5 — The first foreign invasion to reach Jerusalem since David had liberated the city almost a hundred years before. It happened because the people had forsaken the LORD.

2 Chronicles 13:10 — The political religion of Abijah is on display. While Abijah gives a tremendous challenge to the wayward tribes, we read in 1 Kings 15:3 that he walked in all the sins of his father, which 1 Kings 14:22-24 says was worship at the high places and carousing with sodomites. He defended the Temple and was vocal in his support of the LORD, but was it just because of his battles with Jeroboam? Or was it the one time Abijah did trust the Lord? See 2 Chronicles 13:18.

Romans 8:26 — If you’re feeling inadequate from our previous reading because of sin’s role in your life, this verse is encouraging. More so than a friend from church praying for you is the Spirit of God praying for you! He intercedes (vv. 26 & 27), working all things for good (Romans 8:28) in order to conform us to the image of Jesus (Romans 8:29) and to glorify us (Romans 8:30)! This is encouraging (Romans 8:31)! When we are afraid of a lack of supply (Romans 8:32), false accusations (Romans 8:33), condemnation (Romans 8:34), or just something in the way of Christ’s love (Romans 8:35-39), we can rejoice!

Psalm 18:37 — The psalmist is experiencing the promised victory, and concludes by blessing the LORD (Psalm 18:46-50).

Proverbs 19:29 — Let’s contrast the blessings we read with the judgments that will come. Let’s prepare ourselves to avoid them!

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