August 31 – Are Unicorns Real?

Job 37:1-39:30
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10
Psalm 44:9-26
Proverbs 22:13

Job 37:5 — How great is our God?

Job 37:14 — Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God! I’ve seen the Planetarium Show at the Creation Museum many times, but it is still amazing every time!

Job 37:23 — The technical term is “inscrutable.” Elihu is right, we will not be able to “unscrute” the inscrutable!

Job 38:3 — God speaks to Job. He doesn’t explain to him why he went through the tragedies, but He ask Job some questions. Notice the question God asked man: He asked Adam to explain his behavior (Genesis 3:9). Israel Wayne exposited the Questions God Asks in his recent book.

Job 38:23 — God used hail as a weapon in the Exodus and in the conquest of Canaan (Exodus 9:13-18, Joshua 10:10-11).

Job 38:37 — Clouds, those harmless puffs of water vapor, are one of the main reasons your favorite meteorologist can’t predict Friday’s weather. “Clouds and precipitation are among the more challenging weather parameters to forecast accurately.”

Job 39:9-10 — But I thought unicorns weren’t real? The problem isn’t Scripture, but the gradual deterioration of the English language. Eric Hovind points out that the word “unicorn” is not only a transliteration from the Latin, but it also originally (per Webster’s 1828 Dictionary) referred to animals such as the rhinoceros.

2 Corinthians 4:14 — We’ve just read in Job about our God’s amazing power. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead will raise us up from the dead as well!

2 Corinthians 5:10 — The most sobering doctrine in the Bible is the Bema Seat. We aren’t just on a 80-some year cruise boat voyage to do our own pleasures. We are working towards a reviewal of our performance. Chuck Missler dispels some myths about the Bema:

This judgment is often taught as simply an awards ceremony, but that is not entirely correct. It was the tribunal seat, the judicial bench, the judgment seat, or throne of the one in charge. Herod Agrippa I addressed the people of Tyre and Sidon from his Bema seat. Jesus was brought before Pilate and his Bema seat. Paul was accused before Proconsul Gallio; and brought before Festus at Caesarea facing a Bema seat. A relic of one was found among the ruins in Corinth.

Psalm 44:9 — Did the Psalmist just borrow from Job?

Psalm 44:23 — The proper response is not to dispute with God, but to continue to call upon the name of the LORD!

Proverbs 22:13 — When you need an excuse, any excuse will do!

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