July 2 – Hezekiah’s Tunnel

2 Kings 20:1-22:2
Acts 21:18-36
Psalm 150:1-6
Proverbs 18:9-10

2 Kings 20:5 — How does prayer work? Prayer in itself doesn’t, but the God that we talk to through prayer does work! He can deliver a king from an invading army. He can cure an incurable disease. And He acts “for mine own sake” (2 Kings 20:6).

2 Kings 20:18 — The King of Israel will have descendants who will be unable to have descendants and who will serve the King of Babylon. Why? Likely because Berodach-baladan (Merodach-baladan in Isaiah 39:1) was given a royal tour, but the tour didn’t give the glory to the God who saved the life and empire of the king. How do we surmise this? The Queen of Sheba visited, and she saw all of Solomon’s splendor (1 Kings 10:5). But how did the Queen of Sheba respond? Praising the LORD God (1 Kings 10:9)! If Berodach-baladan praised the LORD for the situation of Hezekiah, I think it would have been recorded.

2 Kings 20:20 — Hezekiah’s tunnel was rediscovered by the adopted son of Horatio Spafford, author of the hymn “It Is Well with My Soul.” Here’s a quick 5-minute video explaining what Hezekiah’s Tunnel did:

2 Kings 21:3 — Let’s pray that our children follow us as we follow the LORD, and that they turn not from His ways!

2 Kings 22:2 — Praise the LORD that God can use the grandson of an evil king to serve Him!

Acts 21:21 — Yes, the grace of God came upon the Gentiles! Not that they were free from law but free from Moses’ Law. Moses only had 613 commandments. Of them, many dealt with the temple. But the temple is no longer a place where God dwells because God now dwells within us. We can go directly to Him not having to depend upon a priest. Now, the New Testament contains over 1,000 imperatives that apply to the Christian seeking to know God’s statutes!

Acts 21:30 — When God is at work, the entire city is moved!

Psalm 150:6 — As we finish the Psalms, it’s as if the Psalmist has run out of things to declare and simply says, “Everything that hath breath, praise the LORD!” May we praise Him as well!

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