June 18 – The Depressed Prophet

1 Kings 19:1-21
Acts 12:1-23
Psalm 136:1-26
Proverbs 17:14-15

1 Kings 19:2 — Apparently Jezebel wasn’t impressed with the awesome display of God’s power. But why did Jezebel’s boldness scare the prophet who had outrun the king’s chariots? Depression isn’t always logical or easily cured. Sometimes it requires repeated divine interventions (1 Kings 19:5, 1 Kings 19:7). Interestingly, Ahab suffered from similar depression in 1 Kings 21:7.

1 Kings 19:18 — As I write this, I’m in Mitchell, South Dakota, with Jimmy DeYoung. We’ve been on the road for 9 days so far and we’ve preached to over a thousand people. We won’t get to 7,000, but it’s so refreshing to see people hungry for the Word of God even in a time we think that we’re all alone.

1 Kings 19:21 — An evangelist had a message on this verse called “It’s Plow-Burning Time.” When God has called you to the ministry, you must be willing to “burn your ships.”

Acts 12:15 — If you are going to pray without ceasing, then don’t be hostile when the answer comes (Acts 12:15).

Acts 12:23 — Our God is a jealous God.

Psalm 136:1 — This psalm is famous for the closing phrase in each verse – “for his mercy endureth forever.” All of his compassionate acts to Man were done for His mercies sake.

Proverbs 17:15 — Isaiah echoed this in Isaiah 5:20.

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