April 11
Joshua 3:1-4:24
Luke 14:7-35
Psalm 80:1-19
Proverbs 12:27-28
Welcome to Day 101! We’re into the triple digits of faithfully reading the Bible!
Joshua 3:13 – Did you catch the phrase “Lord of all the earth”? We serve a big God!
Joshua 3:17 – God was demonstrating to Joshua that just as He was with Moses, He would be with Joshua (Joshua 3:7). How? With the same miracle that He led Israel out of Egypt with (Exodus 14:22). This miracle would also signify Elijah and Elisha’s transition at the same place (Gilgal) (2 Kings 2:8, 14).

Joshua 4:3 – At the Ark Encounter, they “aid 12 stones at the base of our life-size Noah’s Ark. These stones signify that it was built to remind future generations and the whole world of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of God’s Word.”
Luke 14:15 – Many people like to name drop the famous people they have eaten dinner with. But this man was able to eat dinner at the home of one of the chief Pharisees – but far more special – with the LORD Jesus the Messiah! He heard the teaching and wanted to say something to this distinguished guest. But the distinguished guest is criticizing the guests who were fighting for the seats at the main table. And if that isn’t enough he’s criticizing the guest list! The unnamed host of Luke 14:15 tries to make a spiritual comment. Maybe he thought, I may not be the chief Pharisee, but even the mediocre Pharisees should be at the upcoming heavenly feast. Jesus proceeds to say that all the proper guests of the kingdom will be distracted with lands (Luke 14:18), goods (Luke 14:19), or relationships (Luke 14:20), and be replaced with not just the poor, maimed, halt, and blind (Luke 14:13, 21); but even those out in the highways and hedges. Jesus then leaves the feast (Luke 14:25) and says if you want to come with me to the kingdom – be willing to give up your family, yourself, and be horribly crucified. Don’t follow me. Sit down and do the math – are you willing to give up all?
Psalm 80:19 – Three times in this chapter the people cry out to the LORD. As we read in Jeremiah 17:14 the LORD is capable of saving. How can we be saved? By calling on the LORD! (Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13).
Proverbs 12:28 – Eternal life is the result of the way of righteousness. The Righteous One is the Way! (John 14:6)
Share how reading thru the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.