January 5
Genesis 11:1-13:4
Matthew 5:1-26
Psalm 5:1-12
Proverbs 1:24-28
We’re back in a genealogy after the tower of Babel, the Adams Synchronological Chart of World History is again a great resource to visualize the genealogies.
But Genesis 11:27 is not something to skip. We’re introduced to Abram, born in 2166 BC. And here’s a great chart to overview his life. And if you have been to the Oriental Institute in Chicago you will see a collection of artifacts from Ur from the time of Abram. If you go there, you’d notice Ur was culturally significant, and to researchers, was the largest city in the world at the time of Abram. God told him to leave Ur (Genesis 12:1 uses the past perfect to refer to God’s communication to Abram, but interestingly the New Testament clarifies when God spoke to Abram in Acts 7:2-4).

Matthew 5:14-16 – Earl Martin has a gift for helping believers memorize Scripture:
Matthew 5:23 – we’ll get to the Ten Commandments later, but Jesus is telling people there’s more to keeping the Ten Commandments than just the bare minimum… in fact you had to not just match the Pharisees – you had to exceed them!
Psalm 5:1-2 – And a bonus song from Earl Martin – watch this memory verse song and you will be hiding God’s Word in your heart.
Proverbs 1:28 – it appears to contradict Proverbs 8:17. The key to understanding this seeming contradiction? Isaiah 55:6.
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