October 3
Jeremiah 1:1-2:30
Philippians 4:1-23
Psalm 75:1-10
Proverbs 24:17-20
Jeremiah 1:2-3 – Welcome to Jeremiah, the words of the “Weeping Prophet.” Jeremiah’s prophecy started in 627 BC, under Josiah the Reformer (about the same age as Jeremiah). This is in the middle of the three-stage revival:
- AGE 15: Josiah sought God (633 BC)
- AGE 19: Josiah purged idols (629 BC)
- AGE 26: Repairs temple, finds lost book (623 BC)

Jeremiah 1:6 – Who else had an excuse for why they could not speak? Moses! (Exodus 4:10).
Jeremiah 2:3 – This was visualized in the engraved plate that the high priest wore (Exodus 39:30). Holiness – a people separated unto the LORD. Yet they left the LORD (Jeremiah 2:5).
Jeremiah 2:8 – The ignorant lawyers (students of God’s law, not man’s law),
the transgressing pastors, and the unprofitable profits of Baal. Sadly today we hear regularly of pastors who admit to marital infidelity or financial scandal, sinning and bringing ill repute against the LORD.
Jeremiah 2:11 – Hath a nation changed their gods? Egypt was a polytheist nation except for a brief period under Akhenaten, but then under famous King Tut – they returned quickly back to polytheism. There has long been recognized a connection between cult (religion) and culture (nation). As Christianity overtook paganism in the Roman empire, the Roman empire itself crumbled. The Protestant Reformation led to civil war in the pre-modern-Germany “Holy Roman Empire,” the English executed a king for the only time with Charles I as they switched into Puritanism.

Jeremiah 2:19 – The scariest thing to happen to a believer is when God lets your own wickedness correct you! God does not need to add additional punishment, He can let you just experience the natural result of your own choices.
Philippians 4:1 – Notice the contrast between Jeremiah 2:29 where Jeremiah expresses God’s disgust for his people, versus Paul’s “dearly beloved” brethren.
Philippians 4:4 – Rejoice in the LORD always!
Philippians 4:8 – From Earl Martin:
Philippians 4:9 – Earl Martin has done a great job putting this verse to music. You can get 99 scripture verses set to memorable music in MP3 for just $15 from his website.
Philippians 4:13 – I love the Babylon Bee’s satire on the misuse of this verse:
- Context Of Philippians 4:13 Officially Abandoned
- Context: Paul Wrote Philippians 4:13 After Narrowly Winning Church Softball Game
- Devastated Stephen Curry Discovers Context Of Philippians 4:13
Philippians 4:17 – This is the same Greek word (λόγον) as used in Jesus’ parables – Matthew 12:36 (giving account of our idle words), Matthew 18:23 (taking account of debts), Matthew 25:19 (the Master reckoning with the talents), and Luke 16:2 (unjust steward’s account of thy stewardship). Then in Romans 14:12 we are told that we will give an account (λόγον) to God. How can we add fruit to our other-worldly account? Giving to God.
Philippians 4:22 – Jesus has followers everywhere even in Caesar’s household!
Psalm 75:6-7 – It’s amazing to see throughout history surprising election results:

And don’t forget Nate Silver – the king of modern poll-analysis, on his election morning final prediction:

Proverbs 24:17-20 – Rejoice not when your enemy falleth – nor be envious of his success. Whether he is “rising” or “falling” – that’s irrelevant – keep your eye on the LORD and not on evil men!
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