January 3
Genesis 5:1-7:24
Matthew 3:7-4:11
Psalm 3:1-8
Proverbs 1:10-19
Genesis 5 – we’re in another genealogy! The Adams Synchronological Chart of World History is a great way to see how the genealogies line up (as well as all of world history). You can do the math yourself, or use the chart to notice something interesting about when Methusaleh died. Also, if you haven’t been to the Ark Encounter yet – that is it an incredible experience to comprehend what “three hundred cubits” really means!

In Matthew 3 we meet John the Baptist – whom Jesus would call the greatest prophet, yet John said of his cousin Jesus, his “shoes I am not worthy to bear.” We see Jesus tempted by Satan in Matthew 4 – how did he defeat Satan? By quoting Scripture! There’s a great blessing in Scripture!
Psalm 3 tells us a great promise to keep, and Proverbs 1:10 gives a great warning to heed. Is it just me or does it sound like there were youth gangs causing trouble back in Solomon’s day?
As we go thru this year – it will mean more to you if you take notes on your journey. Grab a notebook, and pick something to track as we read thru the Bible. If this is your first time journaling thru the Bible, I’d start tracking the attributes of your God. God is telling you who He is through His word – don’t forget what He is telling you – write it down! As has been said, “The faintest stroke of pen is better than the strongest memory.” You’ll be glad you did when at the end of this year, you have a biography of your Father that you have written, and have obtained from the best source in the world!
Three days in – you’re making a great start to the year!
Share how reading thru the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.