May 18
1 Samuel 22:1-23:29
John 10:1-21
Psalm 115:1-18
Proverbs 15:18-19

I Samuel 22:5 – Sometimes you’re hurt by people who claim to be Christians and want to swear off dealing with Christians ever again. Perhaps wanting to just deal with “honest pagans.” But even though you can be hurt again, God calls us to fellowship (Hebrews 10:25). Because no matter how much we think our situation is beyond hope – God is in control!
I Samuel 22:8 – The King of Israel is sad that “there is none of you that is sorry for me.”
I Samuel 22:18 – If Jesus was comparing the Pharisees to Doeg, Doeg had shed the blood of 85 priests who stood helplessly, and the entire city of Nob. What did the Pharisees do to the Son of God?
I Samuel 23:4 – Notice the patience of the LORD. The same God who so patient with Gideon, is patient with David. God spoke to him and promised him victory twice, even though David was afraid.
I Samuel 23:21 – Blessing people in the name of the LORD for helping you kill your loyal subject that you have made into an adversary?
John 10:4 – Young Samuel did not know His voice, but had a personal encounter with the LORD and was able to recognize His voice.
John 10:18 – Jesus is prophesying His death and resurrection, and yet His disciples that He loved did not realize this.
Psalm 115:1 – A good admonition against pride.
Psalm 115:13 – If I want God’s blessing, what should I do?
Proverbs 15:18 – Let’s be peacemakers!
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