Abortion Pills Much More Dangerous


A new report just published shows chemical abortion pill procedures are significantly more dangerous than surgical abortion or giving birth.  Researchers analyzed hundreds of women, placing them in four categories.  Those who had chemical abortions, surgical abortions, had a live birth, and a control group of women who were never pregnant.  It showed a significantly more likelihood that women who had a chemical pill abortion had to visit an emergency room over all of the other women.  Those who took the dangerous pills experienced an increase in ER visits nearing three thousand percent and were coded severe or critical.  The other categories of women experienced a fraction of that increase.  Sadly, President Obama dropped reporting such events unless the women actually die. 

The post Abortion Pills Much More Dangerous appeared first on Life Issues Institute.

This post originally appeared at https://lifeissues.org/2024/09/abortion-pills-much-more-dangerous/

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