Pushing Aside Human Compassion

A disturbing report has come to light that was published after reviewing medical studies.  It shows at least sixty patients were victimized, with near certainty there are more.  This report shows during a twelve year span they were put to death by assisted suicide or euthanasia, not because they were terminal but because they suffered from eating disorders.  Of course, anorexia is a very serious condition that requires diligent care, but it isn’t terminal.  Most of these patients had other mental illnesses that put into question whether or not they were able to request euthanasia.  Once the decision is made to kill a challenging patient to end their suffering, the list of those who qualify continues to expand.  Euthanasia is a Pandora’s Box pushing aside human compassion and understanding.   

The post Pushing Aside Human Compassion appeared first on Life Issues Institute.

This post originally appeared at https://lifeissues.org/2024/08/pushing-aside-human-compassion/

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