Evidence Based Lying

Advocates of unbridled abortion use semantics to make evil sound good.  Here’s another example.  They now claim induced abortion is an “evidence-based” medical practice.  For that to be true scientists must have long agreed, it must address a specific disease, diagnosis or illness; produce measurable outcomes; and be compared to other available treatments or no treatment at all.  So far, there’s no published research to test any of these points.  Abortion advocates fail to provide the most basic reporting required to qualify as “evidence-based.”  The truth is pro-abortion activists don’t care about science, evidence, or anything remotely close.  Bending or twisting the truth is a frequently used tool.  I would call it evidence-based lying because we have the documentation to back it up.     

The post Evidence Based Lying appeared first on Life Issues Institute.

This post originally appeared at https://lifeissues.org/2024/07/evidence-based-lying/

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