Political Purging at FBI

The FBI has a documented history of going after individuals who’re pro-life, conservative, or devout Catholics.  Now a whistleblower who’s a registered Democrat and worked in the Security Division, has come forward.  The agent said the FBI is conducting a political purge of its agents who lean conservative or declined the COVID vaccine.  The New York Post reported the FBI is suspending or revoking the security clearances of these agents.  Marcus Allen was suspended without pay for over two years for refusing the vaccine.  The FBI overruled investigators who said the suspension was not warranted.  Another agent said he was purged for supporting Donald Trump.  The agent who reported this retaliation was retaliated against also.  Please pray for our nation.      

The post Political Purging at FBI appeared first on Life Issues Institute.

This post originally appeared at https://lifeissues.org/2024/07/political-purging-at-fbi/

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