Echoes of the Wizard of Oz

Earlier I told you about Kansas’ extreme pro-abortion governor, Democrat Laura Kelly, who vetoed two pro-life bills.  One gives tax incentives to families who want to adopt.  Plus, tax advantages for pro-life pregnancy centers and donors who support them.  The second bill protects women from coerced unwanted abortions.  Governor Kelly’s cruelty against women and families is on par with the person in the Wizard of Oz pursuing those ruby slippers.  Thankfully, this real-life Kansas story also has a happy ending.  The pro-life state house and senate overrode her vetoes and the laws will go into effect.  Pro-life leaders called Kelly’s vetoes “heartless” and said they proved “her only allegiance is to the profit-driven abortion industry.”  When we talk about pro-abortion extremism, this is it. 

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