Teacher Fired Over Secret Abortion

A New Hampshire teacher was fired for helping a student get an abortion without her parents’ knowledge.  Education officials confirmed the teacher talked with the student for weeks about her pregnancy.  The teacher researched and selected an abortion facility for her, then called in sick to drive the student to the abortion center for a secret abortion.  New Hampshire law requires parents be notified two days prior to an abortion.  They were not.  In Michigan, a school board member said it was a good idea to “leave the interests of the students in the hands of our teachers that can make the best decision for them.”  School teachers have no right to usurp the rights of parents in making medical decisions that will negatively impact their children for the rest of their lives.

The post Teacher Fired Over Secret Abortion appeared first on Life Issues Institute.

This post originally appeared at https://lifeissues.org/2024/07/teacher-fired-over-secret-abortion/

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