Happy Leon Day

I want to wish you and your family a very happy Leon Day.  What is Leon Day?  An increasing number of super Christmas enthusiasts are joining the celebration.  Leon is Noel spelled backward and June twenty-fifth is the half-way mark on the calendar to Christmas.  If you come by my house you’ll hear Christmas music and see the glitter of Christmas lights.  In the hearts of believers, Christmas is a glorious celebration to remember all year long.  It’s the beginning of the Lord’s ministry journey on earth, culminating in his victory over death that we may live forever with him in eternity.  Pro-lifers celebrate not only the earthly gift of life but what matters the most, life eternal.  And to all those who’re groaning at the mention of Christmas…you’re welcome.

The post Happy Leon Day appeared first on Life Issues Institute.

This post originally appeared at https://lifeissues.org/2024/06/happy-leon-day-2/

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