Nightmares of an Abortionist

During his thirty-year career as an abortionist, William Rashbaum took the lives of over twenty-thousand babies.  Rashbaum specialized in late-term abortions in the second trimester of pregnancy.  His father told him the worst thing a physician can do is commit abortions.  During an interview, Rashbaum let his guard down, talking of his recurring nightmares about an unborn baby desperately clinging to the womb.  Rashbaum’s conscience was certainly impacted but not enough to stop the killing.  He did abortions until his health no longer permitted him to do so.  Up to the time of his death, this abortionist showed no signs of repentance, but we can’t assume he took his hardened heart to the grave.  Only the Holy Spirit can say.  I pray the account of his nightmares will impact others.    

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