Dangers of Legal Abortion

I often repeat that legal abortion is unsafe abortion.  You would too if you read my mail.  Last November in less than one week’s time, an abortion facility in Granite City, Illinois sent three women to emergency rooms.  The first suffered two seizures, even though she had no medical history to cause them.  Potential causes of seizures could be incorrect administration of anesthesia or bleeding.  The second woman was suffering “extra bleeding” according to abortion staff but needed emergency room treatment.  The third patient bled so badly the abortion staff requested Advanced Cardiac Life Support equipment.  It’s unknown whether this woman survived.  All three babies died.  Once cause of bleeding is perforation of the womb.  Educating women about the dangers of abortion is essential.      

The post Dangers of Legal Abortion appeared first on Life Issues Institute.

This post originally appeared at https://lifeissues.org/2024/01/dangers-of-legal-abortion/

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