Abortion is Not Compassion

Heather and Nick Maberry of Stanton, Kentucky got the tragic news that their unborn daughter had anencephaly, a condition not compatible with life.  Kentucky doesn’t allow abortion so the couple traveled to Chicago for a late-term abortion after the fifth month of pregnancy.  They opted for a dismemberment abortion.  The title aptly describes what is done to the baby – limb by limb – in the womb.  Afterward, the couple lashed out against Kentucky’s pro-life laws because they couldn’t hold the baby and say goodbye – a baby whose life they intentionally cut short.  Somehow a violent late-term abortion, discriminating against a baby with a profound disability, is considered compassion by those involved.  Compassion would’ve been delivering the child and loving her until God took her home.

The post Abortion is Not Compassion appeared first on Life Issues Institute.

This post originally appeared at https://lifeissues.org/2023/10/abortion-is-not-compassion-2/

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