Punishing Political Opponents


Leonard Leo is a good man who’s being punished for his success in securing justices to the Supreme Court that later overturned Roe.  With great success comes great harassment in DC.  Brian Schwalb, Attorney General of Washington, DC has launched what’s being called a “sloppy, deceptive and legally flawed” investigation into Mr. Leo’s work with non-profits to secure justices on our nation’s highest court.  His home has been targeted with many demonstrations by extreme pro-abortion activists.  This dangerous escalation of political war with baseless lawsuits is their way of attempting to sideline an effective political opponent.  We need to cover Leonard Leo in prayer, asking the Lord to protect him and give him wisdom so he can continue to engage in future battles for unborn babies.

This post originally appeared at https://lifeissues.org/2023/09/political-payback/

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