Women Didn’t Die


After the demise of Roe v Wade, pro-abortion activists claimed women would die because they’d be denied medical care when experiencing a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.  Well, let’s look at reality one year later.  So far we have twenty four states that protect the babies between conception and twelve weeks.  To date, there’s not been one reported case of a woman’s death due to pro-life state laws.  This false claim has been made by people in top political positions like Vice President Kamala Harris and First Lady Jill Biden.  The truth is laws in every state provide treatment for women suffering from these conditions, and those stating otherwise know it.  You don’t have to take my word.  Visit today’s broadcast link at LifeIssues.org for complete details on every state.

This post originally appeared at https://lifeissues.org/2023/07/women-didnt-die/

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