Welcome to Fast Facts with Reasons for Hope!
I’m Carl Kerby, and we’re talking about a bird that defies man’s wisdom. We’re talking about a bird that’s pretty common in Eastern Australia, but what it does and how it does it is absolutely uncommon.
This is a bird that the Australian Aboriginals made a special recipe for when cooking. Here’s what you do:
- You take a large pot and put three medium-sized stones at the bottom in a triangular fashion.
- Fill the pot three-fourths of the way with water.
- Put the bird in, add salt & pepper, plus a little garlic.
- Boil for 12 hours.
- Empty the water, throw away the bird, and eat the stones!!!
Do you know what bird we’re talking about? It’s called the “Australian Brush Turkey,” and it’s obviously not very edible even though it’s a “turkey!”
This is one of 12 species of birds classified as “megapodes” in the world today. “Mega” – large, “pode” – foot! These birds are the “real” bigfoots in the world today!
And they use their feet to make a serious nest. Did you know that the nest of an Australian Brush Turkey can be … ooops … our time’s up, so we’ll talk about that in the next Fast Facts with Reasons for Hope.
Until then … stay bold!
Carl Kerby is the founder of Reasons for Hope and co-creator of the DeBunked apologetic video series. His radio feature, Fast Facts, is heard weekly on VCY America, Saturdays at 9:25 AM Central.