Fast Facts: Butterfly (Part 4)

Welcome to Fast Facts with Reasons for Hope!

I’m Carl Kerby, and today we’re talking about butterfly wings.

Once this cunningly crafted creature emerges from the chrysalis, it completes the building of its wings by pumping them full of fluid from its stomach.

Have you ever touched a butterfly’s wings, and then noticed there was “dust” on your fingers?  Well, that’s not dust; those are actually scales.

Butterfly wings are made up of thousands of scales that are arranged like tiles on a roof, but they’re MUCH more complex. 

The scales themselves aren’t always colored like the feathers of a bird.  Instead, they are in multiple layers and separated by air. The separation causes light to be refracted and creates an optical effect so that we see very intense colors.  That’s why they seem to change colors when we look at them from different angles.

Fact is … with 20,000 different patterns, these aerodynamically efficient solar panels of perfection point toward a perfect Designer. Hey … Blind Chance … try explaining that one!

We’ll talk more about these amazing creatures in another Fast Facts with Reasons for Hope.

Until then … stay bold!

Carl Kerby is the founder of Reasons for Hope and co-creator of the DeBunked apologetic video series. His radio feature, Fast Facts, is heard weekly on VCY America, Saturdays at 9:25 AM Central.

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