Gary Kah Rally – The Globalist Agenda Exposed! Pt.1

Date: October 8, 2024
Host: Dalton Windsor

Gary Kah is founder and director of Hope for the World.  He’s editor of Hope for the World Update, an author and former Europe & Middle East Trade Specialist for the Indiana State Government.  The audio of this broadcast is from his speech at a September VCY America Rally in Southeast Wisconsin. 

Before looking in detail at the national and world situation, Gary reminded the audience about Daniel who was told by an angel that knowledge would increase at a rapid pace during the end-times and current events are bearing this out.  He then went to Psalm 2 where it reminds us that God is in control and He, not scheming and powerful people, will have the final say.

Gary noted that not since the 1860’s has our nation been so divided and greatly deceived by the propaganda of socialists with their empty promises and lies.  He believes that socialists, dedicated to a globalist, anti-Christ agenda, are firmly in control of most of America’s government agencies.  There appears to be no going back because as history shows, once socialists are in power, they stay there, often by force if necessary.  He went through the recent history of Venezuela, a nation that once was the 2nd wealthiest nation on a per-capita basis, to prove his point.  They went on to become a socialist nation and the leader has spent the past two months rounding up the opposition and placing them under house arrest.

His point?  The people of Venezuela didn’t think this could happen.  Could that happen here in the U.S.?  Gary believes we are on a very similar track as socialism has become very fashionable.  The media has communicated its ideals under the guise of compassion and tolerance in order to make it very appealing.  Now that President Biden has been forced out, VP Kamala Harris, who Gary sees as even more radical, has become the new face of the socialist movement in America. 

What’s behind this?  What are the forces and variables, both in and beyond America, that want to destroy everything good that’s left in America, forcing us into their anti-Christian, new world order?  Keep in mind that the United Nations is only one step away from being able to seize control over all its member nations, including the U.S., in the event of an international emergency.  Find out the specifics regarding current efforts to take away American sovereignty and your freedom, when you review this edition of Crosstalk.  

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