Pakistani Outreach Grows Under Persecution

Date: August 13, 2024
Host: Jim Schneider
​Guest: Pastor Shahid Kaleem
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Pastor Shahid Kaleem is founder and chairman of Christian Literature & Translation Ministry in Pakistan.  He has been partnering for several years with Bible Tracts Inc. for effective ministry of Bible tract and Bible distribution ministry in Pakistan.

Pakistan is a nation that comes in at number 5 in terms of world population with just over 251 million.  Much persecution is taking place there against Christians because of their stand for the Gospel.  This is not surprising because according to Voice of the Martyrs, close to 98% of the population is Muslim while nearly 2% is Christian.  Yet while persecution abounds, Christianity is also on the rise.  

Listen to this broadcast and you’ll hear Pastor Kaleem as he describes incidents of persecution/violence that have taken place in Christian areas of Pakistan and how this parallels what happened to Stephen in Acts 6-7.  Also discussed is how the Israeli war against Hamas is affecting Christians in Pakistan, their constitution’s stand toward Christianity, people coming to Christ in spite of persecution, the need for a printing press for his tract ministry, Pastor Kaleem’s personal testimony and much more.

Prayerfully consider giving so that as many as possible can be reached with the Gospel in Pakistan.  

More Information

Gifts can be sent to:

First Baptist Church

425 Rusche Street

Creve Coeur, IL 61610

Earmark the gift for “Pakistan Outreach”

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