The End of the World According to Jesus

Date: July 8, 2024
Host: Jim Schneider
​Guest: Jeff Kinley
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Jeff Kinley is a former pastor and best-selling author of over 40 books.  He’s a recognized expert in the field of Bible prophecy with over a dozen books on the subject.  He has a passion for sharing biblical truth and speaks across the country equipping churches and Christians to discern the times and to live with confidence.  Some of his books include, Wake the Bride, Aftershocks, As It Was in the Days of Noah, God’s Grand Finale: Wrath, Grace, and Glory in Earth’s Last Days, and his latest release, The End of the World According to Jesus of Nazareth.

It was on January 24th of 2023, when due to what they saw as ominous trends, the hands of the doomsday clock were advanced by the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists to 90 seconds before midnight.  In contrast, about 2,000 years ago, Jesus presented a clear understanding of what would take place in the end.  He addressed the signs and how God desires for us to be prepared.

This Crosstalk looked at those signs as Jeff answered the following questions: 

  • Why is knowing Jesus a foundational issue when attempting to understand the end of the World?
  • Will global climate change destroy the earth or does God have another plan?
  • What do we know about the deluge of deception that Christ talked about?
  • What did Jesus have to say about war?  
  • Will people come to faith during the period of tribulation?

This is just some of what was covered during the first quarter-hour of the broadcast.  Hear the rest, including what listeners had to say, when you review this vital Crosstalk broadcast.

More Information
The book, The End of the World According to Jesus of Nazareth is being featured as a book of the month at our VCY Bookstore.  This is newly released and packs more than 260 pages with information.  This book retails from the publisher at $17.99.  However, through July 31, 2024, the VCY Bookstore is offering this book at 50% off, just $8.99 plus any applicable tax and/or shipping.  It’s available online at or by calling the bookstore at 1-888-722-4829.  They’re open weekdays from 10am-6pm Central and Saturdays from 10-4.

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