Date: October 3, 2018
Host: Jim Schneider
Guest: Mat Staver
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Mat Staver is the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel.
Immense pressure is being put on U.S. senators to stop the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. According to Mat, millions are being spent to do just that so that the Democrats can look forward to the mid-term elections and take over the House and the Senate.
Mat contends that the opposition doesn’t want anyone nominated to the Supreme Court by President Trump so he described this situation as a re-litigation of the election of 2016. He noted the nomination of Judge Gorsuch. That passed because he would simply maintain the status-quo and abortion would remain unaffected. This time it’s different because retired Justice Anthony Kennedy was the 5th vote on the issues of abortion and same-sex marriage. Democrats therefore realize that a change of that seat means changing the direction of the Supreme Court on these two important issues.
Mat’s not convinced that Republicans will be able to obtain the needed 51 votes. This is why he believes that first of all people need to pray. Secondly, they need to have their voices heard and that can be done via the numbers listed below.
The FBI report is being delivered today to the White House and Senator Mitch McConnell. From there, he will be able to review it and schedule the first vote. That vote opens up the debate and 2 days are needed for that. After debate is a vote to have cloture (bringing the debate to an end). After cloture comes a vote on the nomination itself. If there’s a tie, Vice-President Pence would be the person to break it.
What should we make of the marriage therapy notes of Dr. Ford? What about the comments of her ex-boyfriend? Did she teach people how to pass lie detector tests? These and other points of interest were discussed on this important Crosstalk update.
More Information:
Senate Switchboard—202-224-3121–Click on ‘Senators’ to get district office numbers.
Senator Mitch McConnell’s direct line number–202-224-2541