Show Information
Air Date: July 06, 2015
Host : Jim Schneider
As Jim noted at the beginning of this broadcast, the Supreme Court decision on homosexual marriage doesn’t change marriage. Truth remains truth and falsehood doesn’t become truth. This decision will impact what your children learn in government schools, it will have ramifications as to how it affects physicians and the kind of business you’re involved in.
Although it’s just a sample, many of the stories listed below show the impact this ruling is already having on the American social, political and religious landscape:
–An audio cut from President Obama where he tells an audience how good the White House looked in rainbow colors in spite of the fact that he could only see it on a TV screen.
–A secret gay wedding was allegedly conducted by Jon Lovett, a former White House speech writer.
–Statements from Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the Libertarian Party, the Republican Party, the Constitution Party, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Bobby Jindal, Chris Christie, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee.
–LGBT activists claim marriage was not the ‘end-game’ but only a window in which to push for even more rights. Their future calls for unifying minorities, demonizing opponents and reeducating churches, schools and families.
–An activist calls for removal of the tax exempt status of religious organizations.
–Momentum is increasing to scrap the ban on transgender troops.
–The Pentagon is being encouraged to cleanse itself of chaplains who refuse to accept same-sex marriage.
–The interim executive director of ‘OutServe-SLDN’ calls for open transgender military service and gender identity inclusion as a protected class in the military equality opportunity program.
–Dr. David Stevens of the Christian Medical and Dental Association warns the Supreme Court in effect has decided that, ‘sexual preferences trump the democratic process and the moral convictions expressed by millions of American voters.’
–A doctor is ‘facing the boot’ for saying there’s health dangers that result from homosexual sex when scientific statistics prove him correct.
–Oregon Christian bakers ordered to pay $135,000 in emotional damages and are prohibited from speaking publicly about standing up for their Christian beliefs.
–A Christian farmer is fined for refusing to host a same-sex wedding on his property.
–Ray Comfort movie trailer dealing with homosexuality removed from YouTube.